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This guide contains information about American and international governments and elections.

Presidential Inaugurations

Photo of the inauguration of Calvin Coolidge

Inauguration of Calvin Coolidge

Photo of the inauguration of Eisenhower

Inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Presidential Inauguration of FDR

Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Presidential Inauguration of Herbert Hoover

The Presidential Inauguration of Herbert Hoover

The Presidential Inauguration of John F. Kennedy

Photo of The Presidential Inauguration of John F. Kennedy

Photo of The Presidential Inauguration of T. Roosevelt

The Presidential Inauguration of T. Roosevelt

Photo of The Presidential Inauguration of Woodrow Wilson

The Presidential Inauguration of W. Wilson

Photo of the credits used for this gallery

Photo Credits

How to Become President of the United States

Related Guide Information

Reference Sources

Election Results

Presidential elections information including the most recent elections. 

Finding Political Ads


Presidential Election Information & Analysis

