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360degrees: Perspectives on the U.S. Criminal Justice System
A unique collection of first-person stories from inmates, correctional officers, lawyers, judges, parole officers, parents, victims and those whose lives have been affected by the criminal justice system; interactive quizzes, interactive corrections timeline from 600 to the present from a multitude of perspectives, a list of resources including curriculum, reading list, video and radio documentaries, and links to related sources.
American Correctional Association
ACA, founded in 1870, is the oldest association developed specifically for practitioners in the correctional profession with a stated purpose of improving the justice system. Their site includes professional development courses, certification and webinars; ACA Standards and Accreditation materials including legislation and best practices; information from the ACA Office of Correctional Healthcare; Conference details and proceedings; ACA Global Outreach; and access to Corrections Today.
Community Corrections Association of Georgia
Our goal is to assist in the Rehabilitation of each and every client and help them return to their communities as productive citizens.
Correctional Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Information on correctional health care issues from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) such a health-related State, Federal and Organizational resources, Data and Statistics, Recommendations and Guidance, Scientific Reports & MMWRs (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) for correctional facilities and healthcare settings, Health Education Materials, and Research Regulations Regarding Prisoners.
Corrections & Reentry,
A National Institute of Justice site with an overview of corrections and reentry along with valuable descriptions and evaluation of numerous reentry programs and practices related to corrections and reentry.
Corrections, National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
The NCJRS provides a wealth of online publications and links to a multitude of resources. A must-see site for the state of corrections in the United States.
The Equal Justice Initiative is a nonprofit organization "committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society." They provide legal representation, challenge the death penalty and the use of excessive force while providing re-entry assistance to those formerly incarcerated. Their focus is on marginalized communities and committed to changing the narrative about race in America. View reports, discussion guides, short films and other educational materials for a wide audience.
The Innocence Project's mission is to exonerate those innocent people who have been wrongly incarcerated. They work towards reforming the criminal justice system responsible for their unjust imprisonment, improving case law, and implementing policies that prevent wrongful convictions, in addition to providing support to exonerees in their post-release lives. A good section on the causes and factors that contribute to wrongful convictions.
Institute for Criminal Policy Research
The Institute for Criminal Policy Research carries out independent multidisciplinary research on crime and the criminal justice system. Their stated key audiences are politicians and their advisors, managers and practitioners within the criminal justice system and other professionals working with offenders. Their site provides work previously conducted by The Institute for Criminal Policy Research, including the World Prison Brief. Publications (not all fulltext) on topics such as crime and the community, criminal justice agencies and services, criminological research methods, courts, sentencing and attitudes to justice, drugs, alcohol and crime, ethnicity, religion and identity, gender and crime, volunteering, peer mentoring and the criminal justice system, and international prisons research.
National Institute of Corrections Library
National Institute of Corrections' Digital Resource Library has online publications on offender reentry, among other topics.
Prison Activist Resource Center
Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC) provides an online source for progressive information on prisons and the prosecution system through up-to-date articles, links, and other vital resources from prisoners and advocates nationwide. For students, educators, community organizers, and anyone concerned with human rights and social justice.
World Prison Brief provides free access to information on prison systems around the world. The site provides statistics on prison systems and incarceration rates in over 200 countries. This website is hosted by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research (ICPR) supports evidence-based development of prison policy and practice globally and provides access to some of their international publication, reports and speeches.
Corrections & Reentry,
A National Institute of Justice site with research on and evaluation of programs and practices related to corrections and reentry.
Corrections, Reentry, and Community Supervision, Urban Institute
The Justice Policy Center of the Urban Institute produces research briefs and reports combining quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze crime trends and evaluate prevention initiatives in order to provide objective data grounded in the experiences of victims, offenders, and practitioners. Substantial resources related to the return of prisoners back to society.
Institute for Justice and Opportunity at John Jay College
Formerly known as the Prisoner Reentry Institute, the Institute for Justice and Opportunity has as its mission to serve as a "champion of institutional, structural, and personal transformation" in "open[ing] doors and eliminat[ing] barriers to success for people who have been involved in the criminal legal system." The Institute provides information on Educational and Career Pathways, in addition to Policy Advocacy to "create access to higher education and pathways to satisfying careers" and "advocate for the right to housing, employment, healthcare, and other human rights too often denied people with criminal convictions." Institute Research and Publications are included.
National Reentry Resource Center
The NRRC was established by the Second Chance Act and is administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice. The Center provides education, training, and technical assistance to agencies working on prisoner reentry. Their mission is to advance and disseminate information in addition to promote evidence-based best practices in offender reentry.
Offender Reentry, National Institute of Justice
The National Institute of Justice's overview of offender reentry as well as links to their research reports and other web resources related to reentry.
Offender Reintegration, National Institute of Corrections
National Institute of Corrections' Digital Resource Library with online publications on offender reentry. Search the entire NIC site for more information.
Reentry, Council of State Governments Justice Center
The Reentry Policy Council (RPC) was established in 2001 to assist state governments in dealing with issues of reentry through bipartisan policies and principles in order to facilitate and coordinate an exchange of information among organizations implementing reentry initiatives, research, and funding. RPC is a national nonprofit organization serving lawmakers at all levels of government.
Reentry Issue Areas, such as juveniles, mental health, and mentoring are richly presented along with reentry Projects, Resource and Facts and Trends.
A National Institute of Justice site with research which rates the effectiveness of criminal justice programs and practices for practitioners and policymakers intended to figure out what works, what doesn't, and what's promising in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services.
Reentry/Release, National Criminal Justice Reference Service
National Criminal Justice Reference Service’s webpage on prisoner reentry. Includes Q&As, National Institute of Justice publications as well as links to related websites and publications other than NCJRS. Recidivism is also covered.
Second Chance for Ex-Offenders Act of 2007(H.R. 623 IH)
Bill summary and status for the Second Chance for Ex-Offenders Act of 2007, a piece of federal legislation on allowing criminal records to be expunged under certain circumstances for certain nonviolent offenders.
"The Bureau of Justice Statistics Corrections Unit maintains over 30 data collections. Most are annual collections of administrative data from correctional administrators, ranging from basic population counts and offender demographic characteristics to facility capacity, programs, staff, and resources. These data collections include—
National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) program- administrative data on state and federal prisoners, collected twice a year
Annual Survey of Jails (ASJ) - administrative data on jail populations
Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey - administrative data on offenders under community supervision
National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP) - administrative data on admissions to and releases from state prisons, collected annually from participating state jurisdictions
Census of Jails and Census of State and Federal
Adult Correctional Facilities - administrative data on facilities and staff, collected periodically." -- From Website
The OJJDP Statistical Briefing Book (SBB) enables users to access online information via OJJDP's Web site to learn more about juvenile crime and victimization and about youth involved in the juvenile justice system
Data on inmate population, inmate demographics, sentences, types of offenses, and staff demographics.
The National Institute of Corrections provides statistical briefs for all 50 states that give an overview of correctional systems.
When searching Onesearch for books, consider setting the search to "Keyword" and entering "Corrections" as the search term. This will provide you with a list of books that deal with a significantly sized listing of books on the topic.
Also consider setting the search to "Subject" and entering "Corrections" as the search term. If you require more materials set the search to "All Fields" and enter in search terms like "Prisons" or "Jail" as the search terms. This will also provide you with a listing of relevant books and materials.