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Columbus, GA Consolidated Government
Comprised of 6 Counties, the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit services Chattahoochee, Harris, Marion, Muscogee, Talbot, and Taylor Counties. Each county has responsibility for various courts, some of which include probate and magistrate courts, however, a set of 7 Superior Court judges oversee cases across all 6 counties. The circuit District Attorney works in a similar fashion in which, although located in Muscogee County, the District Attorney is responsible for cases across all 6 counties. Each county maintains a Clerk of the Courts to assist with cases in their respective county.
Court | Function |
Additional Information |
Adult Drug Court |
The Muscogee County Adult Drug Court is a multi-agency post-adjudication program involving the coordinated efforts of the Drug Court Judge, District Attorney's Office, Public Defender, Department of Community Supervision, New Horizons Behavioral Health, and other local Substance Abuse Treatment Providers. The Adult Drug Court Program is a voluntary program for persons 18 years of age or older who are charged with drug-related non-violent crimes. |
The Porch Project |
Juvenile Court |
The Juvenile Court in Muscogee County is a dependent Juvenile Court organized under Chapter 11 of Title 15 of the Official Code of Georgia. The Court is responsible for all delinquent complaints concerning children under the age of 17 years. If a complaint involves unruly, abused, or neglected children, the Court has jurisdiction until the age of 18 years. |
Magistrate Court |
This court is presided over by a judge elected for a four-year term. Magistrate Court has jurisdiction of civil cases when the amount does not exceed $15,000 including suits for damages, breach of contract, etc., and jurisdiction in garnishments up to $15,000. In addition, all dispossessory proceedings abandoned motor vehicles and abandoned mobile homes are handled in Magistrate Court |
Municipal Court |
This court is presided over by a judge elected for a four-year term. In criminal cases, this court acts as a committal court only, except it may accept guilty pleas and impose a sentence in certain cases. In cases resulting from the violation of state statutes in which the defendant does not plead guilty, the court determines if there is sufficient evidence to warrant committing the case to the Superior Court or State Court for trial. In such instances, a bail bond is required for the defendant's release from confinement while awaiting trial. Municipal Court has jurisdiction of civil cases when the amount does not exceed $15,000 including suits for damages, breach of contract, etc., and jurisdiction in garnishments and writs of possession up to $15,000. In addition, all dispossessory proceedings, attachment levies, foreclosure liens, and distress warrants are handled in Municipal Court. Bad check warrants, peace warrants, abandonment warrants, and good behavior warrants are also issued in this court. |
Probate Court | With a staff of seven employees, the Muscogee County Probate Court exercises exclusive, original jurisdiction in the probate of wills, administration of estates, appointment of guardians (minor and adult), and involuntary in-patient and out-patient psychiatric commitments of individuals with severe mental illness. Among other things, the Probate Court also gives oaths of office to elected officials and issues marriage licenses, weapons carry licenses, residency verifications, and public fireworks display permits. | |
Recorder's Court |
Recorder's Court hears traffic, criminal, and city ordinance cases made by the Columbus Police Department, Special Enforcement, Airport Police, Housing Authority, Metro Narcotic Task Force, Fire Department, and the Georgia State Patrol. |
State Court | The State Court tries both civil and criminal cases with a jury composed of up to twelve persons. Criminal cases tried in this court are limited to misdemeanors and appeals from lower courts by the State Constitution. | |
Superior Court | The Superior Courts are presided over by six judges, elected by the voters of the six counties that make up the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit. Felony cases, divorce and alimony, child custody, equity cases, and cases involving land titles must be tried in the Superior Courts. | |
Contact The Courts | ||
District Attorney | ||
Public Defender's Office |
Other Counties in the Chattahoochee Judicial Circut |
Chattahoochee County: Harris County: Marion County: |
Talbot County: Taylor County: |