Need research or homework help and cannot come to the library? No problem! Type your question in the chatbox below, call the reference desk, send a text, or email and a library professional will respond to you shortly after, during our normal hours. If you submit your question outside of regular hours, we will respond as soon as possible when we return the following business day. Our subject-specific research and study guides can be very helpful,l as well.
Check out our list of subject librarians if you have a subject-specific question and want to contact a librarian directly, who also often respond even after the regular chat and text hours. However, this is not guaranteed. The faculty and staff at CSU Libraries can be fairly flexible in meeting you virtually or one-on-one to assist you in your academic goals and pursuits.
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This page contains print and electronic books on various topics in criminal justice. This is not an exhaustive list and there are many more available that can be found in GIL-Find and our Ebsco and Proquest electronic book collections. These selections are examples of some of the books available and to help begin, or get users unstuck, during the research process.
We're Here To Help!
Please feel free to contact Alison Cook for additional research help, schedule a workshop, talk about embedding a librarian in your course, or with any other ideas or requests for help. Contact information is:
Phone: 706-507-8684