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Here you can find access to business related databases, journals, books, and links to professional and scholarly websites.

Search With GALILEO

GALILEO is a massive database (of databases) that can help you find scholarly information in a variety of source types and formats. Depending on the type of research, the stage of research you are in, or what you are looking for, GALILEO can be searched in several different ways. This page will show you how to browse GALILEO and use the filters so that you can do your research in the most efficient way possible. It will show you how to search GALILEO by browsing and filtering and how to filter results by database. To learn how to get started with GALILEO, click here

Ways to Browse GALILEO - Getting Started

Getting Started With GALILEO

Discovery Toolbar

Using the discovery toolbar can often be helpful when starting research because it allows you to see a broad picture of the types of information sources that are available to you. This can also help you find information you might not have realized you were even looking for. One downside of using the discovery bar is that it can produce a search results list of millions. Later in the tutorial, we will look at refining the results to a more manageable number. 

How to Browse GALILEO

A screenshot of the library homepage.

  • To browse all of GALILEO, there are a couple of ways to do it. One method is to use the search bar at the top of the page. Make sure that the GALILEO button is selected. The graphic below highlights where and what to do to begin searching using this method. 

A screenshot of the GALILEO discovery tool bar on the Library Homepage.

  • You can also click on the link 'GALILEO' under the GALILEO graphic logo shown below. Using this link will bring you to the GALILEO Homepage. 

A screenshot that shows where the GALILEO link is to browse the entire source.

Filtering: Reducing Search Results

Save Time By Filtering Search Results (Reducing the Number of Search Results) 

Using the GALILEO Discovery Bar is a great way to browse for information sources, especially at the beginning of the research process. However, it can often lead to a very long list of search results, often showing millions of search results, most of which will not be helpful. 

There are several methods we can use to turn a list of millions to just a list of thousands or even a couple hundred with some tweaking to the keywords we use. Below are a few tutorials on how to reduce your search results to a more manageable amount that will be more useful for your research project. 

Example: Let's say you have a research project related to ethics in accounting practices. You know that you will need journal articles. To start this example search, we will use 'ethics in accounting practices' as our search terms. Below is an example of how you can filter out results to a more manageable number.  

First - Get to the GALILEO Homepage

  • For this example, we will use the search terms, 'ethics in accounting practices' as shown below. If you need assistance on how to get to the homepage, check out this short tutorial

A screenshot showing the user the GALILEO homepage and using the keywords, 'Ethics in Accounting.'


A screenshot showing the initial search results number which is over 340,000.

  • Our initial search results number is over 389,000, which is way too many to find all of the ones that may or may not be relevant. There are several ways we can filter out results that will likely not be helpful. Below are some filters to consider using. 

Click on Full-Text

  • This is probably one of the most useful tools in GALILEO. When clicking on 'Full-Text,' the search results list will contain sources of information that CSU Libraries can provide a full-text article, book, etc. Using this tool can also help in cutting a lot of search results out of the list, so you are not looking at information sources you cannot access. It is also important to note that this feature will not always reduce the number of results. However, it can be one tool you use when using GALILEO. Below is what that will would look like.

A screenshot showing the user where the option to filter by Full-Text is located.

Filter By Type

  • Filtering by Type means the format of the information you want to see included and will not always be the same. Sometimes your research will require you to need video information sources, books, or scholarly journal articles. In this example, we're going to filter out everything except 'Academic Journals,' as shown below. 

A screenshot showing the user where the option to filter out academic journals is located on the page.


A screenshot showing the user the new number of results after the academic journal filter is applied. The new number is 238,520 results.

  • As seen above, by using just one filter, we immediately eliminated over 100,000 results. 

Filter By Subject

  • Another helpful filter is the Subject filter. This can help you include or exclude narrower topics in the list of search results. In this example, 'social responsibility of business' and 'ethics' are selected. 

           A screenshot showing how to filter by Subject. This image shows the user to click on the 'More' for additional subjects.                 A screenshot showing the user the different options of subject that can be selected. In this image, social responsibility of business and ethics is selected.

  • Once the subject filters are applied, we are left with 2,820 results, which is a massive reduction from our initial number of 386,000 results. If you want to remove one of the filters, click on the 'X' to the left of the search results list, and will cause the research results list to repopulate so you can try a different subject. The image below illustrates how to remove a filter that has been applied. 

A screenshot of the search results after using the subject filters. The search results number is now 2,800.

Filter by Language

  • Using the language filter can be useful in removing articles that you would not be able to read because it is in another language. In our example, this helps remove several more by selecting English

A screenshot showing filtering by Language

Filtering By Geography

  • Filtering by 'Geography' is helpful when you want to focus on the topic in a specific region. However, sometimes this filter does not always provide the right focus. Meaning that if you select the 'United States,' as shown below, the article may be written in the United States, but does not focus on ethics in accounting practices in the United States. The opposite can sometimes be true as well. Therefore it is important to keep that in mind when analyzing the search results list. 


  A screenshot showing users how to filter by Geography. The United States is selcted.

The Final Results

Once all the desired filters are applied, we are now left with 11 search results. This does not guarantee that all of them will be relevant and help you with your research. However, it is much easier to look at 11 items, than looking at over 380,000 items, and even if none of them will help you, using filters can help you learn what subject filters will not work or which seem to work well and you need to try others to get more focused search results. You can remove filters, change your subject filters, or even adjust your keywords based on what you observe on the search results lists. 

A screenshot showing the user the final search results number from using all the filters. The number is now 11.



Filtering By Database

Filtering Search Results By Database

When browsing GALILEO, one way to reduce the number of results is by filtering by database. This means that the search engine can filter out everything except what you tell it to. This can be helpful when your search results list is very long, and you want to view all the results from one or two databases at a time. 

  • To do this, begin your search in the GALILEO Discovery Bar by typing in your keywords. See the graphic below:

A screenshot showing users to type their keywords into the discovery bar at GALILEO

  • From the Search Results list, look at the column on the left side that is labeled, Refine Results. These are different ways you can narrow your search results lists down. To use as an example, let's say we only want to see videos from the Films On Demand database when using the keywords, 'political science.' This is a very broad search term but it is a good example to show how much filtering your search results can help. 

Screenshot of an example search results list using the terms, 'political science.'

  • Scroll down until you see the option to select 'Limit by Database.'

Screenshot showing where the option to limit the search results list by database.

  • Click on the 'More' link from the dropdown menus. 

A screenshot showing the user to click on the 'More' link

  • From there you can select more than one option. From our previous example, we'll find Films on Demand. 

A screenshot showing the user to check the option, Films on Demand