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Government Websites For Accounting Topics

Government Websites For Accounting - By Agency and/or Topic


Department of the U.S. Treasury - Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Congressional Committees

  • Joint Committee on Taxation 

    It is a nonpartisan committee of the United States Congress, with an experienced professional staff of economists, attorneys, and accountants, that assists Members of both houses of Congress on tax legislation.

Government Accountability 

  • Government Accountability Offices (GOA): 

    An independent, non-partisan agency that works for Congress and whose goal is to investigate how the federal government spends taxpayer money. Also produces The Yellow Book which provides a framework for conducting high-quality audits.

  • Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS) 

    Handles accounting and reporting for all federal agencies.

  • Accounting and Financial Reporting Guidance 

    Accounting offices at the SEC are organized such that the Commission has an Office of the Chief Accountant that is responsible for establishing and enforcing accounting and auditing policy. Additionally, the Divisions of Corporation Finance, Enforcement, and Investment Management each have a Chief Accountant's Office that supports that Division. (From website)

Private Sector Collaboration

  • Chief Financial Officers Council (CFO) 

    It is an organization of the CFOs and Deputy CFOs of the largest Federal agencies, senior officials of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Department of the Treasury who work collaboratively to improve financial management in the U.S. Government. (From the website)

All web sources listed are public access. 

Accounting Standards and Regulations

National and International Standards Boards


Book | Accounting Topics

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Standards For Accounting | United States

These organizations set accounting, auditing, and other standards and are excellent starting points when searching for accepted practices and procedures in accounting and auditing.

AICPA: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants issues auditing and other standards for the profession, most particularly the Statements on Auditing Standards.

FASAB: Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.

FASB: The Financial Accounting Standards Board sets authoritative standards for the US private sector. FASB Standards and Interpretations are now available online.

GASB: The Governmental Accounting Standards Board sets authoritative standards for US government accounting.

IMA: Institute of Management Accountants publishes Statements on Management Accounting, many of which are available in print.

SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission administers and enforces the securities laws of the United States including issuing rules and releases regulating financial reporting of public companies. EDGAR documents are available at this site.

All web sources listed are public access. 

Standards | International

 All web sources listed are public access. 

Tax Information

Take a look at the Accounting - Taxes Research Guide

 All web sources listed are public access.