This page provides information about locating Pennsylvania voter registration data, statistical data from public records and information sources, and how these are often used for methods to identify potential election fraud. It will also demonstrate how the same information that can be used to detect voter fraud can also have legitimate explanations and is an often common occurrence.
Pennsylvania publishes many datasets of voter information that can be downloaded and used to compare with registries or to analyze for statistics calculations. If you wish to see a dataset that is not available online you can contact their Election Offices to request the information as a part of the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act.
You can also download their full voter registration lists which are broken down in several ways that can be very useful in researching voter fraud that is suspected of:
The following are lists of Pennsylvania's current voter registration statistics:
Additional voter registration lists, annual reports, data, and archived information can be found by visiting these sites:
Total registered voters by county, broken down by political party (Democratic, Republican, No Affiliation, and Other).
Number of party change applications by county, beginning on January 1, 2008, broken down by week, by resulting party (Democratic and Republican)
Number of New applications approved by week
New Voter Apps Party shows a count of new voter applications by county and Democratic, Republican and Other.
All by Age contains the count of ALL voters (regardless of Party) by county and the age groups requested.
Dem by Age shows a count of Democratic voters by county and age group (with totals and percentages at the bottom).
Rep by Age
As provided by 25 Pa.C.S. Section 1404(b)(1) (relating to Public Information Lists), as well as the SURE Regulations at 4 Pa. Code Section 184.14(b) (relating to Public Information Lists), the Department of State will provide the Full Voter Export List to requestors.
This version of the Public Information List is a full export of all voters in the county and contains the following fields: voter ID number, name, sex, date of birth, date registered, status (i.e., active or inactive), date status last changed, party, residential address, mailing address, polling place, date last voted, all districts in which the voter votes (i.e., congressional, legislative, school district, etc.), voter history, and date the voter’s record was last changed.*
* Directly from PA Secretary of State official website on obtaining voter records.