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Decoding the 2020 Election

The primary documents of the 2020 elections.

Georgia's Request For Information - Voting Systems

Click here to access the state's Request for Information from vendors on options to replace Georgia’s current voting machines, electronic poll book system, election management software, precinct scanners, and tabulators, and election night reporting website. Responses were due by August 24, 2018. 

Seven vendors submitted responses: Clear Ballot, Dominion Voting, Election Systems & Software, Hart InterCivic, Robis Elections, Smartmatic USA, and Unisyn Voting Solutions. Each vendor was asked to provide a version of its response to the RFI for public dissemination.

The SAFE Commission began meeting in early 2018. Click here to look at meeting information and minutes. 

*Text is taken directly from the Secretary of State's website - SAFE Commission

Georgia Voting Systems For the 2020 Election

Dominion Voting Systems

Dominion Voting won the bidding contract to replace Georgia's voting system. Their bid was $104 million dollars. 

Public Bid For Contract