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About This Page

This page provides tutorials on how to use Google Scholar more efficiently in searching for scholarly information. The page illustrates the benefits of linking a Google account to your CSU Libraries account and how to do it through a step-by-step tutorial. It shows how to search for scholarly journal articles, search for cases, and how to save information to your personal library to be able to retrieve it later. 

Link to CSU Libraries

One of the first steps to using Google Scholar is to link your Google Account with CSU Libraries. Often, many of the search results will be blocked by a paywall or are linked to another university. However, by completing this step, the search results list will be labeled with the articles you can access through CSU Libraries. This is very easy to do and below is a short tutorial on how to do this. 

Linking Your Account

An image of the Google Scholar Homepage

  • Click on the hash lines on the top left of the page. Click on them to reveal the menu. Then click on 'Settings.

A screenshot showing the user where the settings are located.

A screenshot showing the user where the settings button is

  • Click on 'Library links.

A screenshot showing the user where the library links button is located.

  • In the search box, search for Columbus State University. You will be given a prompt to log into your MyCSU Account. Then make sure the option box is checked. Then click on 'Save." Now your Google Scholar search results will let you know when an article in your search results list is available through CSU Libraries. 


Finding Articles On Google Scholar

Finding Articles Using Google Scholar

The following is a brief tutorial on how to search Google Scholar more efficiently when your Google account is linked to your CSU account

  • Go to Google Scholar and type your search terms. Make sure 'Articles' is selected below the search bar. 

A screenshot of the Google Scholar homepage using the search terms 'finance and accounting in healthcare.' There is also an arrow to show that the 'Articles' setting needs to be selected.

  • On the left-hand side, there are several options to narrow your search. You can select the range of years you want to search within and you can select if you want patents included in the results, along with several other options to select. 

An image of the Google Scholar search results showing the options on the left hand side that will filter results.

  • If an article is available through CSU Libraries, or if it is an open-access article, it will be noted on the right-hand side. Remember, this will only appear if your Google account is linked to your CSU account. The tutorial above has instructions for how to connect your accounts. 

An image showing the user how to know if CSU Libraries has access to a particular article.

  • This is what it will look like if you select an article that is not linked to CSU Libraries and hit a paywall. Do not pay for journal articles and check with the library to see if the article can be found via interlibrary loan

A screenshot of what it will look like if you select an article that is not linked to CSU Libraries and hit a paywall. The image has a note to not pay for journal articles and to check with the library to see if the article can be found via interlibrary loan.

  • There is also the option to save articles to your Google 'My Library' account. Click on the star as shown below. It will become solid once you click on it. 

A screenshot showing users how to save articles to their library.  

  • To retrieve saved articles, on the righthand corner, click on 'My Library.'

An image showing users how to get to saved articles by clicking on 'My Library.'

  • In your library, you have options to edit and delete entries, make tags to organize, or download saved articles. 

An image showing users the article has been saved to the 'My Library' feature.

Finding Cases On Google Scholar

A screenshot of the Google Scholar Homepage

A screenshot showing the user to select Case Law and to select the courts you would like to search in.


A screenshot showing the user that there are options to search in Georgia State Courts and all Federal Courts.



A screenshot showing the user where the Georgia State Court options.

A screenshot showing the user the options of selecting Georgia Federal Courts of the 11th Circuts.