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Decoding the 2020 Election

The primary documents of the 2020 elections.

About This Page

This page shows the results and political affiliation of the composition of the federal and state courts. It is intended to visually demonstrate that the courts were not "stacked" with all democrats or judges with ideologies that some would describe as liberal. It is intended to show that many judges ruled against Donald Trump, even judges he appointed himself. This page is also intended to give users information on who appointed them and/or elected them. 

Additionally, the cases decided before the courts are linked here as well. Some of the 2020 election lawsuits are very complex in the motions and appeals that were filed at the time. A full list can be found on the Election litigation page. 

Please also see my disclaimer note on this page. It describes how I associated judges with political affiliation depending on the judge and the court. 

The Supreme Court of the United States

The Supreme Court of the United States

The Justices

Justice Appointed By
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice George W. Bush
Clarance Thomas George H.W. Bush
Stephen G. Breyer Bill Clinton
Samuel A. Alito George W. Bush
Sonia Sotomayor Barak Obama
Elena Kagan Barack Obama
Neil M. Gorsuch Donald J. Trump
Brett M. Kavanaugh Donald J. Trump
Amy Coney Barrett Donald J. Trump

Gohmert v. Pence

Political Party Affiliations of Judges

Gohmert v. Pence

Original Complaint:

Case Number: 6:20-cv-00660


Order of Dismissal 

Docket File

Judge Court Case State Appointed By Political Affiliation

 Jeremy Daniel Kernodle

Federal District Court of Texas




Texas Donald J. Trump Republican

Appealed To:

The United States Court of Appeals 5th Circuit

Upheld Lower Court Decision

Filed an Amicus Brief by e Louie Gohmert, United States Representative for the First Congressional District of Texas

Judge  Court Case State Appointed By (if applicable)

Political Affiliation

Andy Oldham  United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit




Texas Donald J. Trump


 Patrick Higginbotham  United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit




Texas Ronald Reagan Republican
Jerry Edwin Smith United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit




Texas Ronald Reagan Republican

Appealed to the United States Supreme Court

Declined to review the case. 

Outcome: Dismissed

Trump v. Biden - Wisconsin

Trump v. Biden

Case number: 2020AP2038

Sent the Milwaukee County District Court from the State Court. The state court appointed Stephen A. Simanek to consolidate all complaints and expedite the complaint and was dismissed. 

Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court: Upheld the lower court and dismissed.

Judge Court Case State Appointed By (If applicable) Political Affiliation
Stephen A. Simanek

Wisconsin - Milwaukee County District Court

(State Court)




Wisconsin Appointed by Wisconsin Supreme Court to consolidate complaints Independent

Brian Hagedon

Wisconsin Supreme Court

(State Court)




Wisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court Judges are elected in non-partisan elections Independent
Ann Walsh Bradley

Wisconsin Supreme Court

(State Court)




Wisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court Judges are elected in non-partisan elections Democrat
Rebbeca Dallet

Wisconsin Supreme Court

(State Court)




Wisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court Judges are elected in non-partisan elections Independent
JJ Karofsky

Wisconsin Supreme Court

(State Court)




Wisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court Judges are elected in non-partisan elections Democrat
Patience Roggensack

Wisconsin Supreme Court

(State Court)




Wisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court Judges are elected in non-partisan elections Republican
Patience Roggensack

Wisconsin Supreme Court

(State Court)




Wisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court Judges are elected in non-partisan elections Republican
Rebecca Bradley

Wisconsin Supreme Court

(State Court)




Wisconsin Wisconsin Supreme Court Judges are elected in non-partisan elections Republican
Outcome: Upheld lower courts in a 4-3 Decision

Case history of appeals

Appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)


Motion to Expedite was denied

SCOTUS denied hearing the case


Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commission

Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commission

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin

Original Case Complaint
Case Record
Judge Court State Case Appointed By (if applicable) Political Affiliation
Brett Ludwig

United States District Court - Eastern District of Wisconsin


Wisconsin 2:20-cv-01785 Donald J. Trump Republican
Outcome: Dismissed With Prejudice 

Federal Court Appeal - United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circut

Judge Court State Case Appointed By (if applicable) Political Affiliation 
Michael Yale Sucudder Jr.

United States Court of Appeals - 7th Circut

(Federal Court)


Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commission

Donald J. Trump Republican
Ilana Kara Diamond Rovner

United States Court of Appeals - 7th Circut

(Federal Court)


Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commission Ronald Reagan Republican
Joel Martin Flaum

United States Court of Appeals - 7th Circut

(Federal Court)

Wisconsin Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commission Ronald Reagan Republican
Case Outcome - Upheld the lower court's decision to dismiss

Wisconsin Voters Alliance v. Pence

Wisconsin Voters Alliance, et al., vs. Vice-President Michael R. Pence, et al.

Case Number - 1:20-cv-03791

Original Complaint

Judge Court State Case Appointed By (if applicable) Political Affiliation
James E. Boasberg

United States District Court - District of Columbia

(Federal Court)

District of Columbia

Wisconsin Voters Alliance, et al., 


Pence, et al.,

Barack Obama Democrat

Request for a preliminary injunction is denied

Donald J. Trump For President, Inc. v. Hobbs

Donald J. Trump For President, Inc. v. Hobbs

Case Number:  CV2020-014248

Original Complaint

Judge Court State Case Nominated By (if applicable) Political Affiliation
Daniel Kiley Arizona State Superior Court - Maricopa County Arizona

Donald J. Trump For President, Inc. 



Judges are selected and appointed by a merit system and board or 16 politically balanced individuals.  N/A

Case Outcome: Dismissed for mootness in the presidential election ballots

Donald J. Trump For President, Inc., v. Gloria

Donald J. Trump For President, Inc. v. Gloria

Original Complaint


Judge Court State Case Nominated By (if applicable) Political Affiliation
Joe Hardy Jr. Clark County Superior Court Nevada

Donald J. Trump For President, Inc.



Elected in Nonpartisan election Republican


Outcome: Clark County election officials allowed to use artificial intelligence to verify mail-in ballot signatures and make copies of ballots whose originals could not be machine-processed.

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Benson

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Benson

Case Number: 355378; 355397

Original Complaint

Outcome and Opinion: Dismissed as moot.

Court of Appeals Outcome and Opinion: Upheld lower court 2-1

Federal Case: Voluntarily dismissed

Case Record

Judge Court State Case Nominated By (if applicable) Political Affiliation
Cynthia Stephans Michigan Court of Claims Michigan

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.



Jennifer Granholm Democrat*
Stephen Borrello  Michigan Fourth District Court of Appeals Michigan

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.



Jennifer Granholm Democrat
Patrick Meter

 Michigan Fourth District Court of Appeals

(Term ended Jan 2021)


Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.



John Engler Republican 
Amy Ronayne Krause  Michigan First District Court of Appeals Michigan

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.



Jennifer Granholm Democrat
Janet T. Neff


U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan

(Federal Court)


Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.



George W. Bush Republican

*Michigan holds nonpartisan elections for judges to 6-year terms. When there is a vacancy, the governor appoints the judge to fill and then will be required to run for re-election. While the election is nonpartisan, judges often publically identify with one party or another. Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, is a democrat and Cynthia Stephens has publically noted her political affiliation as well as donating money to a Democratic political campaign in 2010. 


Trump For President Inc., v. Boockvar

Trump For President v. Broockvar

Original Complaint

On November 4, 2020, the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee sued Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar (D) and the state's 67 county election boards. The plaintiffs alleged that processes allowing mail-in voters to provide missing proof of identification after submitting their ballots violated state law. On November 1, 2020, Boockvar directed county election officials to give mail-in voters until November 12, 2020, to provide missing proof of identification. State law specifies that missing proof of identification must be submitted by the sixth day following the election, which would be November 9, 2020. The plaintiffs asked the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania to reinstate this statutory deadline.[8]

On November 5, 2020, Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ordered election officials to "segregate ballots for which identification is received and verified on November 10, 11, and 12, 2020, from ballots for which identification is received and verified on or before November 9, 2020." On November 12, 2020, Leavitt ruled that Boockvar lacked statutory authority to extend the deadline and barred election officials from counting ballots for which identification was received and verified after November 9, 2020.[9][10]

Trump For President v. Broockvar

Federal Lawsuit - U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania

Original Complaint

Opinion of Justice Matthew Brann

 On November 9, 2020, the Trump campaign filed a federal lawsuit against Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar (D) and several county-level officials, alleging multiple violations of the state election code and the U.S. Constitution. In their complaint, attorneys for the campaign said the following:[19]

"Plaintiffs seek an emergency order prohibiting Defendants from certifying the results of the General Election. In the alternative, Plaintiffs seek an emergency order prohibiting Defendants from certifying any results from the General Election that included the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code, including, without limitation, the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots Trump Campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or based on the tabulation of invalidly cast absentee and mail-in ballots which (i) lack a secrecy envelope, or contain on that envelope any text, mark, or symbol which reveals the elector’s identity, political affiliation, or candidate preference, (ii) do not include on the outside envelope a completed declaration that is dated and signed by the elector, or (iii) are delivered in-person by third parties for non-disabled voters. Lastly and in addition to the alternative requests for relief, Plaintiffs seek a permanent injunction requiring the County Election Boards to invalidate ballots cast by voters who were notified and given an opportunity to cure their invalidly cast mail-in ballot."[20]

On November 12, 2020, law firm Porter Wright withdrew from the suit. On November 15, 2020, attorneys for the Trump campaign filed an amended complaint, dropping the allegation that election officials violated the campaign's constitutional rights by preventing campaign observers from monitoring the counting process.[21]

On November 16, 2020, attorneys John Scott, and Douglas Bryan Hughes withdrew from the suit. Marc A. Scaringi signed on to act as counsel for the campaign. On November 17, 2020, Rudy Giuliani, a former U.S. Attorney, and New York City mayor, petitioned the court to allow him to intervene as the campaign's lead counsel. Judge Matthew Brann heard oral arguments on November 17, 2020.[22]

On November 18, 2020, the Trump campaign amended its complaint further, alleging that "a substantial portion of the approximately 1.5 million absentee and mail votes in [Allegheny, Centre, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Northampton, and Philadelphia] counties should not have been counted, and the vast majority favored Biden, thus resulting in returns indicating Biden won Pennsylvania."

The campaign asked that the court either order election officials to omit the challenged ballots from the official tally or grant the state legislature the authority to choose a slate of presidential electors. On November 19, 2020, attorney Linda Kerns withdrew from the case.[23][24]

On November 21, 2020, Brann dismissed the lawsuit. In his opinion, Brann wrote the following:[25]

"In this action, the Trump Campaign and the Individual Plaintiffs seek to discard millions of votes legally cast by Pennsylvanians from all corners – from Green County to Pike County, and everywhere in between. ... One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."[20]

Judge Court Case Appointed By (if applicable) Political Affiliation
Mary Hannah Leavitt Pennslyvania Commonwealth Court

Trump For President, Inc. 



Elected Republican
Matthew Brann United States Court For the Middle District of Pennsylvania

Trump For President, Inc. 



Donald J. Trump Republican
Stephan Bibas United States Court of Appeals - Third Circuit

Trump For President, Inc. 



Donald J. Trump Republican
Brooks Smith, Chief Justice George W. Bush Republican
Michael A. Chagares George W. Bush Republican


Canvasing Suits - Pennsylvania

In re: pre-canvass of absentee and mail-in ballots of November 3, 2020, general election

Docket Sheet


Judge Issue Court Outcome Political Affiliation
Stella M. Tsai In re: pre-canvass of absentee and mail-in ballots of November 3, 2020, general election Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas Dismissed Democrat
Christine Fizzano Cannon re: canvassing observation; Appeal of: Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Overturned lower court and granted allowing closer canvassing of ballots Republican
James Crumlish In re: pre-canvass of absentee and mail-in ballots of November 3, 2020, general election Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Denied and Dismissed Democrat
Pennsylvania Supreme Court In re: pre-canvass of absentee and mail-in ballots of November 3, 2020, general election Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Reversed the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Courts Decision 7-0 See Composition of the Pennslyvania Court

Chatham County Superior Court

Chatham County Superior Court

In re: enforcement of election laws and securing ballots cast of received after 7:00 P.M. on November 3, 2020 - Original Complaint.

Outcome: Dismissed

Judge Political Affiliation
James F. Bass Independent


Trump v. Kemp

Trump v. Kemp

Original Complaint

Outcome: Dismissed by the judge, then voluntarily dismissed by Trump's legal team. 

Judge Court Case Appointed By (if applicable) Political Affiliation
Mark H. Cohen U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia - 11th Circuit




Barak Obama Independent*

*Political affiliation could not be determined. While some of his legal decisions and opinions could be considered conservative, no definitive information was found to concretely say what political party the judge associates himself with.