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Personal Finance

This guide is intended to help with finding information related to personal finance, credit, debt, college on a budget, and many other relevant topics.

Dealing With Debt - Your Rights

Consumer Protection Web Sources

Emergency Preparation 

Fillable PDF Forms to help guide what you may need during an emergency situation and provide an online tool to gather your important information all in one place. This is beneficial to have during an emergency so all information is easily accessible. 


Below are the forms and spreadsheet files for you to download and use as needed. 

Information About Debt

Articles About Debt


eBooks in this section are accessible via GALILEO and are available to CSU faculty, staff, and students. 

eBooks in this section are accessible via GALILEO and are available to CSU faculty, staff, and students. 

articles in this section are accessible via GALILEO and are available to CSU faculty, staff, and students. 

Selected Articles 

Debt Collection and Consumer Rights

eBooks and articles in this section are accessible via GALILEO and are available to CSU faculty, staff, and students. 

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The article discusses the implications for the debt buying industry of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Henson v. Santander. Topics covered include a background information on the debt collection industry, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and the need for federal regulation of debt buyers collecting on delinquent debt.

eBooks and articles in this section are accessible via GALILEO and are available to CSU faculty, staff, and students. 

Credit Bureaus & Your Credit Score

 Resources in this section are publically accessible. 

Money Management Books (CSU Only)

eBooks in this section are accessible via GALILEO and are available to CSU faculty, staff, and students.