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PERS 1507 - That's Fake News!

This guide is for the course, PERS 1507 - That's Fake News. It contains links to information for assignments, supplemental reading, and course due dates.

Welcome To the Class!

PERS 1507 That's Fake News!

Official Course Description: Introduces students to the academic experience by focusing on a topic or project. Topics vary, but every section engages students in the process of generating creative and evidence-based solutions to problems in the real world.

Course Overview

Students in this course will be challenged with looking at information from different perspectives and how media and information industries affect the content options that we as information consumers have and how we are presented with those calculated choices. Through attaining mastery of information literacy skills such as lateral fact-checking and research methods, students will also be able to locate and discern the information sources that are the most authoritative, accurate, and relevant to their research endeavors and information consumption. 


Text Book

There is no textbook you are required to purchase. Readings will be from open-access resources books, journal articles, and other information formats assigned. There will be several textbooks listed however, don't panic, we will not be reading them in their entireties as required classwork. I do encourage you to read them all, they're not very long and very insightful. 



Cover of Arguing Using Critical ThinkingArguing Using Critical Thinking by Jim Marteney, Contributor

The book can be downloaded as a PDF, ebook (for an e-reader), or read on a web browser.

Citation: Marteney, Jim. (2020). Arguing Using Critical Thinking.


Additional Readings

Each module will have its own short articles or other content that correspond with the topic. 

Office Hours

Semester Calendar


Online Platform



Class materials, quizzes, grades, and links to learning materials can be found on CougarView. Most assignments will be submitted through CougarView and quizzes will be completed on the platform as well. If you need to miss class, you can find all of the materials in the module for the week.