TIP: You can pick up GIL Express items at the Art Library or Music Library located on the downtown river campus. If you want to pick up materials at one of these libraries, please specify this on your GIL Express request.
TIP: Try to plan ahead for GIL Express requests. Requests may take 2 to 4 days to be delivered and items are only delivered Monday through Friday.
TIP: If you do not return GIL Express materials on time, your account may be blocked from borrowing more GIL Express materials, blocked from registering for classes, and more. Please make sure to return your items on time to avoid any account blocks.
TIP: If you live close to another USG Institution, you can check out materials from their libraries using your CSU ID card.
How long does it take?
How long may I keep an item borrowed through GIL Express?
Recall Fines
How many GIL Express requests may I make?
What materials are available for borrowing?
What materials are not available for borrowing?
Items not circulated through GIL Express may be available through our Interlibrary Loan. See Instructions For Submitting an Interlibrary Loan Request.
Overdue Materials
Lost/Damaged Material
Visit the USG GIL Express website for a complete description of GIL Express policies and procedures.
1) Navigate to the library's catalog page: https://galileo-columbusstate.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/
2) From the library's catalog page, log in by clicking "Sign in / Request Items" located in the top right corner of the page
3) Click on the applicable login status and enter your username and password
4) Search for the resource you need in the CSU library catalog. If CSU does not have the book you need, or if the book is out on loan, etc., search the GIL Universal catalog to find USG libraries owning the title.
5) When your search results display, click on "Find and Request" for the title you are interested in
6) Under the "How to Get It" section of the record for the item you are interested in, select an institution and click on "Available in Institution" to see if the item is "Available" or if there is "No available services for this Item."
7) Click on "Available" and the screen below will display. To request an item click Make sure the entered information such as pickup location and pickup institution is correct. When done hit
8) Once your request has been submitted a message will display letting you know your request was successfully placed.
9) Remember to sign out of your library account
You will receive an email once your requested item is ready for pickup. Please pick up the item at your earliest convenience.
How do I check the status of my GIL Express Request?