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CougarVIEW Instructor Guides: Accessing Class Progress Data

Need help with something in CougarVIEW? Good news! We have a number of guides to show you how to use the many tools and resources in CougarVIEW. These guides cover topics like using the grade book, setting up quizzes, creating groups, and many more.

Access Class Progress

Class Progress allows instructor to review learner progress across multiple metrics in one convenient dashboard. Instructor can:

  • Access individual learner data.

  • Select progress indicators for more detailed information.

  • Hover over a learner's thumbnail to communicate through email or instant message.


  1. From the navigation bar, choose the "Communications" dropdown, and then select the "Class Progress" item.

Class progress menu selection

  1. You can filter class participants based on membership in groups or sections.
  2. All course participants appear in the chart. Their name, username, and Org Defined ID display alongside their profile picture, if supplied. Their performance results for the listed indicators also display in the chart. Selecting any area of this chart brings you to the individual user's User Progress page.
  3. Select the name to view the progress summary of user.

Progress Summary of a user

  1. Use the Class Progress navbar to sort the order in which users appear in the chart. By default, the following performance indicators appear from left to right in the navbar: Content Completed, Objectives, Logins, and Grades. A maximum of 4 performance indicators can display at any time on the Class Progress page. Available indicators include: Objectives, Content, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, Checklist, Surveys, Grades, Course Access, Login History, Predicted Grade (for Student Success System users only), and System Access History.

    Note the following:

    • Login History indicates when the learner logged into CougarVIEW, not the course. However, if the Brightspace Data Platform is enabled, Course Logins displays in each learner's User Progress report, which reports on when they accessed the course.

    • System Access History indicates each time the learner accesses CougarVIEW using a browser, or launches the Pulse app. System access begins when the user logs in, launches the app, or returns after 30 minutes of inactivity. It ends after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  2. To adjust which performance indicators are displayed and which order they are displayed in, select Settings. You can move performance indicators up or down or replace it with another indicator.
  3. You can also search for users by typing in the Search users field.

Class progress overview indicating settings, search, filtering options, and performance indicators


Class Progress - Understand and Modify Class Progress

Class Progress - Use and Monitor Class Progress
